
Federal Taxation II: Property Transactions of Business Owners and Shareholders
This course examines the U.S. federal tax system as it relates to property transactions of business owners and shareholders. Topics include cost recovery, such as depreciation, amortization, and depletion; calculation of realized versus recognized gains and losses; evaluation of the potential tax effects of nontaxable exchanges; and the combining, or netting, gains and losses that are different in nature. Assignments facilitate self-discovery of knowledge and development of a variety of professional skills.
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التعلم الذاتي
31 ساعات
AED 550 + VAT
اعرف المزيد
Federal Taxation I: Individuals, Employees, and Sole Proprietors
This course is the first course in a five-course US Federal Tax Specialization. It covers and focuses on the U.S. federal tax system as it relates to individuals, employees, and sole proprietors. Key concepts covered include gross income and items that are statutorily included or excluded in it, personal and business expenses that qualify as tax deductions, and the differing tax treatments for employees versus self-employed taxpayers.
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31 ساعات
AED 550 + VAT
اعرف المزيد
Strategic Planning and Execution
Avoid the pitfalls of strategy planning and execution with the tools and skills from this course. In this course, developed at the Darden School of Business at the University of Virginia and taught by top-ranked faculty, you'll learn the pillars of strategy execution--analysis, formulation, and implementation--and how to use the 4A model to effectively approach strategy execution. Finally, a panel of leaders from entrepreneurs, nonprofits, and industry, share their expertise gleaned from years of successful strategy planning and execution.
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التعلم الذاتي
11 ساعات
AED 274.99 + VAT
اعرف المزيد
Supply Chain Management Strategy
Have you ever wondered what it takes to manage a successful supply chain? It all comes down to the right strategy. Supply Chain Management Strategy is the indispensable direction for managing a successful supply chain. This course is the capstone of the Supply Chain Management specialization. While, it is strongly recommended that you take all courses in this specialization, you do not have to if you believe you already have those skills. You will use the tools acquired in the previous four courses to create a supply chain management strategy in a real-life case scenario.
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التعلم الذاتي
13 ساعات
AED 274.99 + VAT
اعرف المزيد
Accounting Analysis II: Measurement and Disclosure of Liabilities
This course focuses on the recognition, measurement and subsequent accounting for various types of liabilities. The content includes: - Current liabilities and contingencies, such as accounts payable, accrued expenses, warranties, and pending litigation - Accounting for long-term debt, including the issuance, payment of interest, amortization, and extinguishment of debt instruments.
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التعلم الذاتي
33 ساعات
AED 550 + VAT
اعرف المزيد
Taxation of Business Entities I: Corporations
This course provides an introduction to the U.S. federal income taxation of corporations and their shareholders. The course focuses on the relevant provisions of Subchapter C of the Internal Revenue Code, as well as related Treasury Regulations and judicial opinions, governing corporate formation, operations, distributions, and liquidation. Practical in-class study problems facilitate self-discovery of technical tax knowledge along with the development of a variety of professional skills and attitudes.
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التعلم الذاتي
33 ساعات
AED 550 + VAT
اعرف المزيد
Accounting Analysis I: The Role of Accounting as an Information System
This course is the first course in a five-course Financial Reporting Specialization that covers the collection, processing, and communication of accounting information (via financial reports) about economic entities to interested parties (i.e., managers and external stakeholders such as stockholders and creditors).
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التعلم الذاتي
28 ساعات
AED 550 + VAT
اعرف المزيد
Strategic Leadership and Management Capstone
The capstone is a strategic leadership and management plan where you’ll apply what you will learn to an actual business situation with participation by one or more focal companies. The deliverable will be designed to create value from the perspective of potential employers while achieving pedagogical and experiential goals for learners. This course is part of the iMBA offered by the University of Illinois, a flexible, fully-accredited online MBA at an incredibly competitive price. For more information, please see the Resource page in this course and onlinemba.illinois.edu.
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التعلم الذاتي
11 ساعات
AED 274.99 + VAT
اعرف المزيد
Taxation of Business Entities II: Pass-Through Entities
This course provides an introduction to the U.S. federal income taxation of pass-through business entities, including Subchapter S corporations, partnerships, and limited liability companies. The course focuses on the relevant provisions of Subchapters S and K of the Internal Revenue Code, as well as related Treasury Regulations and judicial opinions, governing the formation, operation, and termination of pass-through entities. Practical in-class study problems facilitate self-discovery of technical tax knowledge along with the development of a variety of professional skills and attitudes.
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التعلم الذاتي
35 ساعات
AED 550 + VAT
اعرف المزيد
Introduction to Accounting Data Analytics and Visualization
Accounting has always been about analytical thinking. From the earliest days of the profession, Luca Pacioli emphasized the importance of math and order for analyzing business transactions. The skillset that accountants have needed to perform math and to keep order has evolved from pencil and paper, to typewriters and calculators, then to spreadsheets and accounting software. A new skillset that is becoming more important for nearly every aspect of business is that of big data analytics: analyzing large amounts of data to find actionable insights.
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التعلم الذاتي
21 ساعات
AED 550 + VAT
اعرف المزيد
Software Processes and Agile Practices
This course delves into a variety of processes to structure software development. It also covers the foundations of core Agile practices, such as Extreme Programming and Scrum.
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التعلم الذاتي
8 ساعات
AED 274.99 + VAT
اعرف المزيد
Creativity Toolkit II: Creative Collaboration
Creativity requires us to collaborate with others, and this course helps you be a better creative collaborator. We need to be able to pitch our creative ideas so that others are excited rather than baffled or dismissive by them. We need to be able to evaluate the ideas of others so we identify rather than miss creative solutions. We need to be able to work with our teams such that creativity thrives rather than is suppressed. This course addresses each of these needs, identifying challenges and providing guidance for effective performance.
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التعلم الذاتي
22 ساعات
AED 344.99 + VAT
اعرف المزيد
Organizational Behavior: How to Manage People
Peter Drucker, a pioneer in the field of management, once said that people have a perverse tendency to behave like human beings. Of course, we are not machines, and certainly not programmable. But through the study of organizational behavior, we can gain insights into what makes people tick within a work context.
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التعلم الذاتي
15 ساعات
AED 344.99 + VAT
اعرف المزيد
Designing the Organization
Organizations are complex and can be difficult to manage well, so managers need tools to help them better understand and deal with the many complexities and challenges associated with organizational life. In this course, you will learn theories, principles, and frameworks that will help you design more effective organizations.
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التعلم الذاتي
13 ساعات
AED 344.99 + VAT
اعرف المزيد
Managerial Accounting: Cost Behaviors, Systems, and Analysis
In this course, you will learn how to use accounting to facilitate and align decisions made by owners, managers, and employees. You will learn how accountants create, organize, interpret, and communicate information that improves internal processes and allows organizations to identify and leverage opportunities to create value within the supply chain and with customers.
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التعلم الذاتي
20 ساعات
AED 344.99 + VAT
اعرف المزيد
Self Awareness and the Effective Leader
Part of being an effective leader is learning how to play to your strengths and overcome characteristics that don't lend to good leadership practices. During the course, you will examine your own strengths and learn ways to use them in a leadership role. Learn to manage stress and solve problems creatively. Throughout the course, you will also build a tool kit of useful techniques that you can begin using right away in your engineering career. This course is designed for engineers who are interested in and have the desire to advance into leadership and management roles.
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التعلم الذاتي
26 ساعات
AED 274.99 + VAT
اعرف المزيد
Setting Expectations & Assessing Performance Issues
If you don’t know where you are going, any road will take you there. One of the most important roles of a manager is to ensure everyone knows the destination. The most effective managers set expectations and assess their employees’ performance against those expectations, and take a coaching approach to helping them get to the destination. That’s exactly what you’ll learn to do in this course! You will explore how to collaboratively develop expectations with those you lead.
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التعلم الذاتي
18 ساعات
AED 274.99 + VAT
اعرف المزيد
Understanding Financial Statements: Company Position
This course is designed to provide a basic understanding of financial statements with an emphasis on the balance sheet. However, to understand accounting driven financial statements, it is important to recognize that accounting is less about counting and more about measuring. “What is it that is being measured?” Well, as the course unfolds, you will learn about the three measurement questions and how the balance sheet helps to answer the first two of these questions.
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التعلم الذاتي
13 ساعات
AED 344.99 + VAT
اعرف المزيد
Software Product Management Capstone
In this six-week capstone course, you will gain practical management experience in a safe, simulated software production setting. You will apply Agile practices and techniques to conquer industry-inspired challenges. Interacting with a realistic client, you will discern what they want and express what they truly need in software requirements to drive software production. Upon completing the capstone, you will be prepared to advance your career as a confident software product management professional.
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التعلم الذاتي
19 ساعات
AED 274.99 + VAT
اعرف المزيد
Agile Meets Design Thinking
Despite everyone's good intentions, hard work and solid ideas, too many teams end up creating products that no one wants, no one can use, and no one buys. But it doesn't have to be this way. Agile and design thinking offer a different--and effective--approach to product development, one that results in valuable solutions to meaningful problems. In this course, you’ll learn how to determine what's valuable to a user early in the process--to frontload value--by focusing your team on testable narratives about the user and creating a strong shared perspective.
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التعلم الذاتي
9 ساعات
AED 344.99 + VAT
اعرف المزيد
Preparing to Manage Human Resources
One way or another, all employees are managed. But approaches to managing employees varying from employee-to-employee, job-to-job, manager-to-manager, organization-to-organization, and country-to-country. This course provides a foundation for developing your own approach to skillfully managing employees by illustrating alternative human resource management (HRM) strategies, introducing the importance of the legal context, and thinking about what motivates employees.
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18 ساعات
AED 274.99 + VAT
اعرف المزيد
Relationship Management
To be a successful engineer, you must work and play well with others. This course focuses on developing the skills you will need to build and sustain professional relationships and networks. Learn to coach and mentor others, manage conflict and build power and influence in the workplace.
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23 ساعات
AED 274.99 + VAT
اعرف المزيد
Corporate Finance I: Measuring and Promoting Value Creation
In this course you will learn how to use key finance principles to understand and measure business success and to identify and promote true value creation. You will learn how to use accounting information to form key financial ratios to measure a company’s financial health and to manage a company's short-term and long-term liquidity needs. You will also learn how to use valuation techniques to make sound business investment and acquisition decisions.
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التعلم الذاتي
24 ساعات
AED 344.99 + VAT
اعرف المزيد
Building Your Leadership Skills
When taking this course, you will raise your own self-awareness and gain self-confidence for a better leadership. You will discover a new approach to leadership based on trust and sense. The “Savoir-Relier” leadership, a new approach of leadership, taught to HEC MBA’s student and top executives, enables better team leadership and encourages relationships between people in spite of their differences of opinion. You will develop relational skills, self-knowledge and self-awareness on the way to unfold your own leadership style.
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التعلم الذاتي
18 ساعات
AED 344.99 + VAT
اعرف المزيد
Marketing: Customer Needs and Wants
Understanding who your customers are and what they need and want is at the heart of successful marketing strategies. In this course you will explore how to identify and classify customers and the different methods that marketing professionals use to shed light on how they make purchase decisions. The course will cover the following: 1. Marketing Fundamentals 2. Product, Pricing and Channel Decisions 3. Building Strong Brands 4. Communication Strategy
- مقدم بواسطة
التعلم الذاتي
10 ساعات