Our Courses
Inglés Empresarial: Finanzas y Economía
Do you work in finance or interact with finance professionals? Is it necessary to speak, write or understand English in your career? Follow the authentic characters in this course as they work through common business situations in finance and economics. Learn from your successes and failure, and think critically about your own communication options. After taking this course, you will be able to read and create efficient e-mails, reports, and impactful presentations with words and phrases commonly used in finance and economics.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- Spanish
Chino básico: Cómo dar una primera impresión positiva
Este es el primer curso del Programa Especializado Chino básico para hispanohablantes: lenguaje y cultura empresarial. Este curso sirve como una introducción al idioma chino. En este curso, los aprendices se familiarizarán con los conceptos más básicos del idioma, como el alfabeto Pinyin, los números, los saludos, cómo presentarse, las palabras y frases comunes, conversaciones cotidianas sobre la familia y los gustos, e información cultural acerca de los temas mencionados.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- Spanish
Inglés Empresarial: Proyecto Final
A common necessity among business professionals who are new to an international work environment is the ability to create a plan of action to launch a new product. In this task, one has to communicate with many different departments within a company including finance and marketing. In this capstone project, you will create a plan of action to launch a new product.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- Spanish
Chinese for HSK 6
HSK六级课程旨在通过学习HSK六级相关内容提高学习者的汉语水平,并帮助学习者在HSK六级考试中获得好成绩。 HSK六级慕课课程共12周,分为两个部分。 第一部分:汉语知识与技能课。侧重于教六级水平的汉语语言知识,训练表达技能,以HSK真题等为材料,由四位教师分别从听力、语法词汇、阅读和写作几个方面展开教学。学时共8周,每周有5个视频,每个视频的时长约10分钟。每次课后有若干练习题,每周有一次小考。 第二部分:HSK考试指导课。侧重于提高学习者适应HSK六级考试的能力,由上述四位教师分别围绕听力、阅读和写作三项考试展开教学。学时共4周,每周有五个视频,每个视频的时长约10分钟。每次课后有若干练习题,最后有一次模拟考试。 学习者完成全部课程并进行了考试,成绩(包括小考和模拟考试成绩)达到课程要求(60分及格)就可以具备得到本课程证书的基本条件。关于获得课程证书的其它要求请看Coursera的有关规定。
- Course by
- Self Paced
- 33 hours
- Chinese
Chino básico: Los viajes de negocios
El tercer curso del Programa Especializado Chino básico para hispanohablantes: lenguaje y cultura empresarial es el último curso del Programa Especializado, y tiene un enfoque en el lenguaje que se usaría en un viaje a la China. Como la información aprendida en los dos cursos anteriores está integrada al contenido de este, es recomendable que el aprendiz termine los primeros dos cursos antes de tomar este. En este último curso del Programa Especializado, aprenderán como pedir comida en un restaurant, darle direcciones a un taxista, registrarse en un hotel y más.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- Spanish
Let’s Read! Learning Japanese through Science & Technology-1
東京大学の研究内容に基づく科学技術に関する文章を読み、基礎的な日本語の専門語彙や重要な表現の使い方を習得しながら、読解力を向上することができる。また、読解学習にとどまらず、テキスト動画やインタビュー動画を利用し、「聴く」、「話す」、「書く」といった連繫した力を養うことができる。さらに、理工学系の知識を発展的に広げ、深めることができる。 教材は、日本語教育の専門教員が作成したテキストや動画に加え、理系の専門教員にインタビューした動画を含む。それを内容重視アプローチ(content-based learning)を利用し、効率的に学ぶことができる。また、内容重視アプローチは学習者のモチベーションを上げ、中級のレベルではあるが、アカデミックな語彙を含むより高いレベルの語学力を身に付けることができる。 This course focuses on improving Japanese reading comprehension through vocabulary and expressions retention, with a theme of Science and Engineering research at the University of Tokyo.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- Japanese
Chinese for HSK 5
HSK五级课程是一门通过HSK五级的学习提高学习者的汉语水平,进而在HKS五级考试中取得好成绩的课程。 HSK五级慕课课程共12周,分为两部分。 第一部分:汉语知识与技能课。这部分侧重于教授汉语语言知识,训练表达技能,以HSK真题和有关课堂练习为材料,由四位经验丰富的教师分别从听力、语法词汇、阅读和写作这几个方面展开教学。学时共8周,每周一课,每课有一个视频,每个视频长约10分钟。每课有若干练习题,每周有一次小考。 第二部分:HSK考试指导课。这部分侧重于提高学习者适应HSK考试的能力,由这四位教师分别围绕听力、阅读和写作三项考试展开教学。学时共4周,每周有课,每课有一个视频,每个视频长约10分钟。每天有若干练习题,最后有一次模拟考试。 学生完成全部课程并进行了考试,成绩(包括小考和模拟考试成绩)达到课程要求(60分及格)就可以得到本课程的证书。
- Course by
- Self Paced
- 19 hours
- Chinese
商务英语课程:管理与领导力英语 Management & Leadership
在你的职业生涯中,你是需使用英文的商务执行主管或是经理吗 ? 那么你知道要有良好的商务英文沟通能力是需要有专注力、字汇和运用特定的语言语法。在本课程中,你将跟着刚升迁的经理来了解她如何建立和领导出成功的团队。同时,你会将用英文来练习沟通的语言和方式,并用于以下的需求情况: ● 以诚信和尊重来召聘和训练专业的团队共同合作 ● 管理及参与有条理的会议 ● 召开有效率的电话会议 ● 书写专业也易懂的电子邮件 本课程的活动将提供机会来分享你的经验和接收来自全世界其他专业商务人士的回馈。 Are you a business executive or a manager who uses English in your career? Then you know that good business communication in English requires focus, vocabulary, and specific linguistic structures. In this course, you will follow along a recently promoted manager as she builds and leads her team to success.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- Chinese
Let’s Read! Learning Japanese through Science & Technology-2
東京大学の研究内容に基づく科学技術に関する文章を読み、基礎的な日本語の専門語彙や重要な表現の使い方を習得しながら、読解力を向上することができる。また、読解学習にとどまらず、テキスト動画やインタビュー動画を利用し、「聴く」、「話す」、「書く」といった連繫した力を養うことができる。さらに、理工学系の知識を発展的に広げ、深めることができる。 教材は、日本語教育の専門教員が作成したテキストや動画に加え、理系の専門教員にインタビューした動画を含む。それを内容重視アプローチ(content-based learning)を利用し、効率的に学ぶことができる。また、内容重視アプローチは学習者のモチベーションを上げ、中級のレベルではあるが、アカデミックな語彙を含むより高いレベルの語学力を身に付けることができる。 This is the second part of our Japanese language learning courses. It focuses on improving Japanese reading comprehension through vocabulary and expressions retention, with a theme of Science and Engineering research at the University of Tokyo.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- Japanese
Proyecto Final: Chino básico - Lenguaje y cultura empresarial
El proyecto final del curso consiste en una serie de videos con diálogos que demuestran las habilidades de los aprendices, las cuales incluyen su habilidad de usar las frases conversacionales y el vocabulario que aprendieron en cada módulo. Cada aprendiz escribirá las dos partes de la conversación, y las recitará en sus videos, y entregará una transcripción fonética de los diálogos usados. Los videos serán evaluados mediante una revisión por pares, donde cada aprendiz tendrá que evaluar el proyecto final de otro aprendiz para poder recibir crédito para lo suyo.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- Spanish
商务英语课程:市场与营销英语 Marketing & Sales
如果你在营销、销售或是广告部工作,你已经知道有效率的沟通是必要的。当你要用英文并用说服他人的方式来表达你的想法,这可能会是很困难的。在本课程,你和全球的成功专业人士加入学习行列时,你将学到有效地使用英文。当你随着在营销部工作的真实情境的人物,看着他们努力地提升他们的沟通技巧,同时你也会提高你的能力。从你的成功和失败的经验中学习,反省你自己的沟通方式、优点和需改进的方面。上完本课程后,你将能够: ● 透过有效率的电子邮件、报告和有说服力的简报来表达你的想法 ● 学习有关市场调查研究、品牌建立,直接营销和广告费用等字汇和用语 ● 对于你商务英语沟通能力的效率,立即获得全世界的销售和营销专业人士的回馈 ● 成为提升商务英语沟通能力全球商务专业人士社群的一份子 If you work in marketing, sales, or advertising, you already know that effective communication is a requirement. This can be even more difficult when expressing your ideas in a persuasive manner in English.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- Chinese
Inglés Empresarial: el márketing y ventas
If you work in marketing, sales, or advertising, you already know that effective communication is a requirement. This can be even more difficult when expressing your ideas in a persuasive manner in English. In this course, you will learn to use English more efficiently while joining successful global professionals around the world. Develop your skills along with authentic characters that work in marketing and also work hard to improve their communication skills. Learn from your successes and failures, reflect on your own style, strengths, and improvement areas.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- Spanish
计算机辅助翻译原理与实践 Principles and Practice of Computer-Aided Translation
现代语言服务行业要求从业人员必须具有利用计算机及网络来使用各类技术辅助工具帮助其工作的能力,而不是仅仅学会几款狭义的计算机辅助翻译软件。 本课程主要讲授计算机辅助翻译技术的基础概念,学习多种计算机辅助翻译工具的使用方法,锻炼学生在技术环境下从事翻译工作等各类语言服务工作的能力,帮助学生理解信息化时代的语言服务工作。 课程完整涵盖现代语言服务的基本情况介绍、翻译技术基本概念、语言服务项目执行过程的信息环境与信息技术、如何利用电子辞典、网络资源及语料库工具辅助翻译工作、狭义和广义的计算机辅助翻译工具原理及实战演练、翻译内容质量评定、多人协同翻译项目、翻译管理等多方面的内容。作为翻译类专业学生的必修课程,本课程适合语言类专业学生学习。通过课程的学习,有助于学习者了解现代语言服务行业,增强各类计算机辅助翻译工具的使用技能,提高包括翻译工作在内的各类语言服务工作的效率。 该课程是“北大-德稻网络公开课程”中的一门,由北京大学与德稻教育联合提供。 本课程同时受到“语言能力协同创新计划”资助和支持。
- Course by
- Self Paced
- Chinese
Corrección, estilo y variaciones de la lengua española
¿Le interesa el idioma español y se preocupa por la corrección, el estilo y las variaciones de la lengua española? ¿Siente curiosidad acerca de las variaciones española y argentina o americana del Español estudiadas en textos cultos de referencia? En este curso se estudian empíricamente algunos aspectos relevantes de esas variedades de la lengua con datos significativos de las versiones hispanas de J. D.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- Spanish
Chino básico: La etiqueta social en los negocios
El segundo curso del Programa Especializado Chino básico para hispanohablantes: lenguaje y cultura empresarial tiene un enfoque en el lenguaje que se puede usar en posibles situaciones profesionales. Antes de aprender este lenguaje, se repasará la información aprendida el en curso anterior. Para poder entender bien el contenido de este curso, es necesario que el aprendiz tome el primer curso antes de entrar en este.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- Spanish
Learning Chinese : Start From Scratch (零到一學中文)
This is a six-week introductory course in Mandarin Chinese conversation. The course will be taught completely in Mandarin, however students are not expected to have any experience learning Chinese. This course’s main objective is to study practical conversation. By watching videos showing various kinds of situations, learners will recognize and understand vocabulary, pair everyday words together with grammar to form short phrases, and learn the correct way to express words used in day-to-day life.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- Chinese
Akademiskt skrivande
Hur lär jag mig skriva fungerande texter? Det är en fråga som många studenter söker svar på. I denna kurs tar vi upp vad som är viktigt i det akademiska skrivandet. Du får konkreta tips på vad du kan tänka på för att utveckla både dina texter och ditt skrivande.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- 15 hours
- Swedish
Chinese for HSK 4
大家好!Hi, everyone, welcome to join our Chinese for HSK Level 4 course. This is CHEN Li and LU Yun, and we are very happy to meet you here! Chinese for HSK 4 is a 10-week course. It consists of two parts: Part I, which is a 6-week program, covers vocabulary and grammar delivered mainly through dialogues and passages; Part II takes 4 weeks to complete and the foci are exercises and testing strategies. Chinese for HSK 4 aims at the fourth level of HSK.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- 56 hours
- Chinese
总计划案 Final Project
对于国际工作环境不熟悉的商务专业人士,普遍需要的能力是能写发表新产品的行动方案。在这工作实务,有一人必须和公司内的各不同的部门沟通,包括财务和营销部。在这总计划案,你将写一份发表新产品的行动方案。这计划将包含: ● 项目现况报告 ● 营销活动 ● 项目的基本预算分析报告 ● 对管理阶层做项目阶段简报 这项目将提供机会让你应用本课程你所学的英语技能,提升你目前工作所要求的有用文件,或是用一份文件来当作范例,可呈现出你的新能力和技能。 A common necessity among business professionals who are new to an international work environment is the ability to create a plan of action to launch a new product. In this task, one has to communicate with many different departments within a company including finance and marketing. In this capstone project, you will create a plan of action to launch a new product.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- Chinese
A Bridge to the World: Korean Language for Advanced Ⅰ
Through this course, you can understand Korean more deeply and get advanced Korean language skills. This course is for advanced Korean learners who are interested in Korean language and culture. The course consists of 5 lessons, each lesson has the main topic of language, job, science, pop culture, and international issues. You can listen to and understand news and dialogues, and learn the expressions used in them in each lesson. Also, on the last day of each week, you can share your opinions with other learners through discussion activities. Take your Korean up a notch with this course!
- Course by
- Self Paced
- Korean
本课程根据外国学生学习汉语的特点,比较系统地介绍了汉语的主要语法,像词类、句子成分、单句、复句、篇章、表达方法,等等;着重指出了外国学习者学习汉语语法的难点和重点,并通过大量有针对性的练习,帮助学习者去掌握、运用,从而提高学习者的汉语水平。 According to the characteristics of the foreign student learning Chinese, this course systematically introduces the main grammar of Chinese, such as part of speech, sentence constituent, single sentence, complex sentence, discourse, expression method.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- Chinese
A Bridge to the World: Korean Language for Intermediate1
This course is designed for anyone who wants to learn Korean. This course is useful for learners who want to improve their communication skills on personal topics frequently encountered in their daily life after learning basic Korean. Through this class, you can use expressions such as introducing, talking about experiences, and comforting, and you will be able to increase your understanding of basic Korean culture. This course is organized in the order of core expression, conversation, grammar, and self-assessment.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- 12 hours
- Korean
TOEFL Test-Taking Strategies
This course prepares non-native speakers of English to take the TOEFL iBT exam by providing helpful tips and proven techniques for successfully completing the reading, listening, speaking, and writing sections of the iBT. In this course, you will learn a variety of strategies such as note-taking, using templates, and analyzing speech patterns, and you will review many sample questions and responses. This course also teaches how to best practice and prepare for test day as well as how to manage your time and perform optimally during the exam.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- 8 hours
- English
Enhance your Writing with Adjective Clauses
Do you have a hard time describing things, people, and places in English? This course will show you how to be more descriptive in your writing by incorporating adjective clauses in complex sentences. You will begin each course learning some basic information about adjective clauses. Then, we’ll get into the specifics of how to identify and use adjective clauses and the pronouns that begin them. In the last part of the course, you’ll demonstrate what you’ve learned by writing a paragraph.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- 13 hours
- English
Platform Thinking: what’s beyond Uber?
Over the last two decades, platforms have transformed the way, we search for information (e.g., Google), buy goods (e.g., Amazon), consume news and media (e.g., Facebook and Twitter) and travel and move around (e.g., Airbnb, Booking.com, Uber and TripAdvisor). This phenomenon is known as 'the power of platforms', defined as an innovative business model that relies on digital technologies to assemble people, knowledge and companies in an interactive ecosystem where value can be created, captured and shared.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- English