Our Courses

Developing Innovative Ideas for New Companies: The First Step in Entrepreneurship
This course assists aspiring and active entrepreneurs in developing great ideas into great companies. With strong economies presenting rich opportunities for new venture creation, and challenging economic times presenting the necessity for many to make their own job, the need to develop the skills to develop and act on innovative business opportunities is increasingly vital.
Course by
Self Paced

TOEFL Speaking and Writing Sections Skills Mastery
This course prepares non-native speakers of English to take the speaking and writing sections of the TOEFL iBT exam. This course explains the difference between the integrated tasks and independent tasks in the speaking and writing sections of the iBT and provides effective strategies for tackling each task. For each type of prompt, you will learn how to best plan your responses, which is a key step to providing well-formed and organized answers. This course also teaches how to best practice and prepare for test day as well as how to manage your time and perform optimally during the exam.
Course by
Self Paced
8 hours

English and Academic Preparation - Grad Track
The English and Academic Preparation – Grad Track non-credit course is for students who wish to strengthen their academic skills in preparation for graduate studies. This certificate course is designed to help both domestic and international students communicate more effectively in spoken and written contexts, read and comprehend scholarly texts, and take notes more efficiently.
Course by
Self Paced
26 hours

Spanish Vocabulary Project
In this course, we'll imagine that you are applying for an all-expenses paid, educational trip to a Spanish-speaking nation of your choice. You'll introduce yourself to a host family that you'll be staying with, research the rich culture and history of the place you intend to visit and compare it with your own country, and plan out an itinerary of places you plan to see, and things you plan to do and experience while visiting. In addition, you'll summarize the key points of your written report in an oral presentation.
Course by
Self Paced
22 hours

Sales Operations: Final Project
In the final project for the Sales Operations/Management Specialization, learners will be asked to apply the knowledge they have obtained by performing a critical analysis of a real-world business. Learners are to select a business that has a sales function/operation. The learners are to identify the manager responsible for the sales function (typically called a Sales Manager) and interview this person on the sales management practices at this firm.
Course by
Self Paced

The Pronunciation of American English Project
In the final course of The Pronunciation of American English specialization, you will complete a final self-reflection project applying what you have learned in the first three courses about consonants, vowels, and the “music” of English. In preparation for the project, you will take a post-test, review all the sounds of English, analyze a speech, and share your advice on improving pronunciation with other learners. Only learners who pay for the course will be able to take the graded quizzes or submit assignments for feedback.
Course by
Self Paced
17 hours

Chemerinsky on Constitutional Law - The Structure of Government
This course will highlight the construction and interpretation of the U.S. Constitution through the centuries.
Course by
Self Paced

A Bridge to the World: Korean Language for Beginners
This course is an introductory course to Korean language that aims to cultivate basic communication skill for those that are interested in learning Korean language.
The course is composed of essential expressions that are often used in everyday life, and designed to teach grammars using basic dialogues which reflect colloquial characteristics of Korean language so by end of this course, a student will be able to express him/herself on ordinary topics.
Course by
Self Paced

Physics 102 - Magnetic Fields and Faraday's Law
This third course serves as an introduction to the physics of electricity and magnetism. Upon completion, learners will understand how mathematical laws and conservation principles describe fields and how these fields are related to electrical circuits. Learners will gain experience in solving physics problems with tools such as graphical analysis, algebra, vector analysis, and calculus. This third course covers Magnetic Fields and Faraday's Law of Induction.
Course by
Self Paced
26 hours

Playing to Your Strengths by StandOut®
Playing to Your Strengths is designed for any professional individual striving to be more productive and more focused today than they were yesterday and those who want to make their greatest contributions at work and in life by embracing a strengths-based mindset.
Course by
Self Paced

English Communication for Tech Professionals
Improve your English, boost your tech career, and move toward a higher-paying job by leveling up your communication skills in English Communication for Tech Professionals brought to you by Arizona State University and English4IT.
Course by
Self Paced
73 hours

Spanish Vocabulary: Careers and Social Events
¡Hola! This fourth course will introduce new vocabularies in the areas of dining, fashion, professions and careers and will bring you ever closer to the 500 word threshold for beginning Spanish. The course will also introduce the subjunctive and the future tense so that you can begin to speak about future events, things they desire and pursuing professional goals. This is the final course before you will undertake a project that showcases your mastery of basic Spanish vocabulary and grammar.
Course by
Self Paced
19 hours

Organization Planning and Development for the 6 σ Black Belt
This course is designed for professionals interested in learning the principles of Lean Sigma, the DMAIC process and DFSS. This course is number 1 of 8 in this specialization dealing with topics in Organization Planning and Development. Professionals with some completed coursework in statistics and a desire to drive continuous improvement within their organizations would find this course and the others in this specialization appealing. Method of assessment consists of several formative and summative quizzes and a multi-part peer reviewed project completion regiment.
Course by
Self Paced

Experiencing Design: Deepening Your Design Thinking Practice
How do we unlock the transformational power of design thinking? To do this, we must understand that this power lies not in what it encourages us to do, but in who it encourages us to become. We become design thinkers by experiencing design. In this course, developed at the Darden School of Business at the University of Virginia, we will guide you through six key phases of the design journey - Immersion, Sensemaking, Alignment, Emergence, Imagining, and Learning in Action.
Course by
Self Paced

The Korean Alphabet: An Introduction to Hangeul
This course introduces Korean characters,'Hangeul', and provides high-level knowledge related to Hangeul. In this course, the background of 'Hangul' is created, who made the Hangeul, and according to what principle it is systematically explained. It also introduces anecdotes related to Korean tourist destinations related to Hangeul and teaches how to write Hangeul. Learners can increase their understanding of Korea, learn Hangeul accurately, and cultivate high-level knowledge of Hangeul.
Course by
Self Paced
18 hours

IELTS Reading Section Skills Mastery
Whether you have taken the IELTS test before, you will benefit from completing this course on the reading section of the exam. The lessons in this course will improve your overall skills in reading and prepare you for every type of question in this section of the test, increasing your chances of getting your target band score. You will be ready to confidently complete the 40-question reading section, which includes a dozen different types of reading tasks. We’ll review plenty of sample readings and questions so you’ll know exactly what to expect.
Course by
Self Paced
6 hours

Chinese for HSK 3 PART II
大家好!Hi, everyone, welcome to join our Chinese for HSK Level 3 course. This is CHEN Li and LU Yun, and we are very happy to meet you here! Chinese for HSK 3 is a 10-week course.
Course by
Self Paced
27 hours

Strategies for Teaching Perfect Tenses and Modals
This is the first course in the Teach English: Intermediate Grammar specialization. In this course, you will learn about teaching important intermediate verb tenses, including present perfect, present perfect progressive, past perfect, and past perfect progressive. You will also learn about teaching common modal verbs used in English. Finally, you will have opportunities to practice the skills you learn by creating sample assignments and recording short videos of your teaching demonstrations.
Course by
Self Paced
17 hours

The amazing world of the ethnic groups of Yunnan Province
Yunnan, abbreviated as Yun and called Dian for short, is a multi-ethnic province which has historically been situated in the southwest frontier of China. Over time, the ethnic minorities evolved into splendid cultures, each with their own unique social life, religious beliefs and customs. The course is taught in English and provides an introduction to 25 ethnic minorities in Yunnan Province, namely the Yi, Bai, Hani, Dai, Zhuang, Miao, Hui, Lisu, Lahu, Wa, Naxi, Yao, Jingpo, Tibetan, Bulang, Buyi, Achang, Pumi, Mongolian, Nu, Jinuo, De'ang, Shui, Man and Dulong nationalities.
Course by
Self Paced
19 hours

The Science of Generosity: Do Good...Feel Good
What does it mean to be generous? Can doing good actually make you feel good? In this course, we’ll hear from multiple experts and explore the many facets of generosity by looking closely at the meanings, traits, and motivations behind giving behaviors across communities and cultures. We’ll discuss how generosity contributes to our own happiness and well-being as well as the happiness and well-being of our loved ones, our local communities, and our global society. We won’t just talk about generosity; you’ll be able to do good and feel good -- without spending lots of time or money.
Course by
Self Paced

Team Management for the 6 σ Black Belt
This course is designed for professionals interested in learning the principles of Lean Sigma, the DMAIC process and DFSS. This course is number 2 of 8 in this specialization dealing with topics in Team Management Professionals with some completed coursework in statistics and a desire to drive continuous improvement within their organizations would find this course and the others in this specialization appealing. Method of assessment consists of several formative and summative quizzes and a multi-part peer reviewed project completion regiment.
Course by
Self Paced

Low Intermediate English: Help & Information
In this course, you will learn important language for asking for help, giving and understanding directions, and sharing your opinions. Learning activities in this course will take place on Voxy, an engaging language learning platform that automatically adapts to your current level and your performance across reading, listening, speaking, grammar, and vocabulary skills so that every lesson is optimized for rapid improvement. Each week is made up of engaging, short, task-based lessons that can be done anywhere, anytime.
Course by
Self Paced
19 hours

Data Literacy Capstone – Evaluating Research
This is the final course in the Data Literacy Specialization. In this capstone course, you'll apply the skills and knowledge you have acquired in the specialization to the critical evaluation of an original quantitative analysis. The project will first require you to identify and read a piece of high-quality, original, quantitative research on a topic of your choosing. You’ll then interpret and evaluate the findings as well as the methodological approach. As part of the project, you’ll also review other students’ submissions.
Course by
Self Paced

Ready to Roll – The Video Production Process
If you’ve done your pre-production thoroughly, then you should feel confident moving on to this next step — gathering the raw materials that you will use to build your visual story. These raw materials are your camera shots, including b-roll and interviews. The production stage is where you will finally collect the images and sound that will communicate directly to your audience. We’ll show you how to enhance your visual story by raising the quality of your shots: getting proper exposure, using the rule of thirds; and shooting sequences that promote continuity.
Course by
Self Paced

African development – from the past to the present
African development – from the past to the present -- offers a unique economic history perspective on Africa's development. Over a period of five weeks, the course covers a logical account of historical events and decisions that have shaped the current political-economical landscape of Sub-Saharan Africa - from the pre-colonial and the colonial era, to the era of liberalisation, modern day Africa and the future prospects of the continent. One does not need to have a dedicated historical interest to benefit from the course.
Course by
Self Paced