Our Courses

Introduction to ChatGPT

Introduction to ChatGPT

This course provides a practical introduction to ChatGPT, from signing up to mastering its advanced features. Topics covered include conversing with ChatGPT, customizing it, using it for productivity and building chatbots, as well as advanced applications like language translation and generating creative content. Best practices and tips for using ChatGPT are also included.

  • Course by
  • 1
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
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Computer Vision and Image Processing Fundamentals

Computer Vision and Image Processing Fundamentals

Learn about computer vision, one of the most exciting fields in machine learning. artificial intelligence and computer science.

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 10
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
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How to Use ChatGPT in Education

How to Use ChatGPT in Education

Welcome to How to Use ChatGPT in Education! We're excited to show you the power of ChatGPT in education. This course is designed for students and instructors to explore the many ways that ChatGPT can be used to enhance the learning experience. Enroll now to join us on this journey. We can't wait to see how you'll apply the knowledge you'll learn to enhance the learning experience for instructors and students!

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 1
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
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The Essentials of Data Literacy Online Course

The Essentials of Data Literacy Online Course

Essentials of Data Literacy Course

Learn fundamental data skills with an online course that teaches you how to analyze, manage, and visualize data. Audit for free or obtain a certificate.

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 39
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
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Take your maps into the third dimension: Learn GIS concepts and tools to visualize, analyze, and interpret spatial data in 3D. Reveal patterns that can lead to better decision making.

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 60 hours
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
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Synthetic Aperture Radar: Foundations

Synthetic Aperture Radar: Foundations

This online course provides foundational knowledge of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) remote sensing including SAR imaging, SAR interferometry, and the concepts of polarimetric SAR. The individual concepts will be illustrated with data sets from spaceborne and airborne SAR missions.

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 30 hours
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
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Assembler Language

Assembler Language

This course enables the learner to implement modern, high-level programming language concepts in assembly language by learning and applying the foundational essentials of digital logic, computer organization, and low-level programming logic necessary to do so.

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 45
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
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RShiny for Everyone

RShiny for Everyone

Use R’s Shiny package to create data-driven, interactive web applications.

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 2
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
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Try It: Intro to GitHub

Try It: Intro to GitHub

GitHub is a code storage and collaboration service that’s used by over 100 million software developers to build and maintain their software. If you’re interested in collaborating more efficiently on coding projects, this free intro course to GitHub may be just what you need.

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 1
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
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Prompt Engineering and Advanced ChatGPT

Prompt Engineering and Advanced ChatGPT

Welcome to Advanced ChatGPT! This course is designed to teach advanced techniques in ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence chatbot developed by OpenAI and launched in November 2022. We’ll cover advanced techniques for prompting ChatGPT, applications for multiple use cases, integrating it with other tools, and developing applications on top while considering its limitations. We hope you have a great time learning about ChatGPT.

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 1
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
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Synthetic Aperture Radar: Hazards

Synthetic Aperture Radar: Hazards

This online course focuses on the applications of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) remote sensing for disaster monitoring. Learn about weather and illumination-independent SAR remote sensing technology, and explore its applications to natural hazards including earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and flooding.

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 3 hours
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
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Tri et filtrage dans SQL

Tri et filtrage dans SQL

Dans ce projet guidé d'une heure, vous apprendrez à faire une requête SQL pour filtrer des enregistrements, et aussi à trier les données par ordre croissant ou décroissant.

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 1 hour
  • French
Monthly Subscription
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  • Free
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Try It: Intro to HTML

Try It: Intro to HTML

Get free instruction in HTML web development in this no-risk online course. Learn how HTML coding skills can boost your career or help your website function more efficiently. No previous experience required.

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 1
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
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Synthetic Aperture Radar: Ecosystems

Synthetic Aperture Radar: Ecosystems

This online course will introduce the contributions of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) remote sensing to the monitoring of Earth’s ecosystems. Learn how the weather-independence of SAR combined with its ability to penetrate into vegetation canopies make SAR an excellent information source to characterize vegetation structure, measure above-ground biomass, and analyze the change of vegetation long term and throughout the seasons.

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 4
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
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Try It: Prompt Engineering

Try It: Prompt Engineering

Have you ever asked a question to ChatGPT or given a specific sentence to generative AI to create an image from? If so, you’ve taken the first steps to learning prompt engineering, a newly emerging field of methodically crafting the input for AI to provide a desired output. This free, self-paced course teaches the basics of prompt engineering and how to create effective AI prompts.

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 1
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
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Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery

Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery

Learn how to discover knowledge in data via data mining.

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 10
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
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How to Use ChatGPT in Tech/Coding/Data

How to Use ChatGPT in Tech/Coding/Data

Are you tired of spending hours writing and debugging code? Do you want to streamline your programming workflow and enhance your productivity? Look no further than How to Use ChatGPT in Tech/Coding/Data! In this course, you will learn how to harness the power of ChatGPT to revolutionize your coding process. From ideation to testing and debugging, ChatGPT can generate code programmatically, saving you valuable time and energy.

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 1
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
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Analyzing and Visualizing Data with Power BI

Analyzing and Visualizing Data with Power BI

Step up your analytics game and learn one of the most in-demand job skills in the United States. Content rebooted in September 2023!

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 6
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
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Try It: Ethical Hacking

Try It: Ethical Hacking

Want to know more about ethical hacking? Sign up for our free course and learn about ethical hacking and offensive security. The course is conveniently self-paced, and will also introduce you to the legal boundaries that distinguish “ethical” from “unethical” hacking, and the careers ethical hackers can pursue.

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 1
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
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UX Evaluation: User Testing

UX Evaluation: User Testing

Master UX evaluation using a variety of skill sets and methods. Uncover the knowledge of user testing from a guerrilla approach to formal lab evaluations required for compliance tests.

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 10
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
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Try It: CSS Fundamentals

Try It: CSS Fundamentals

Ever wondered how web pages have different font styles? Or why some have different colors in their backgrounds? Find out by taking our free, self-paced course — and learn about the most fundamental tool that web developers use to style web pages: CSS, also known as Cascading Style Sheets.

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 15
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
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Excel for Beginners

Excel for Beginners

No prior knowledge or experience with Excel? No problem!

Mastering a basic skills in Excel will open the door to new opportunities, jobs, and more advanced skills that can help you be more efficient in your work or advance your career in your current or a future position. Come join us and reduce barriers to working with Excel!

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 10
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
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Try It: Learn Linux Command Line

Try It: Learn Linux Command Line

If you are looking to get into cybersecurity or IT, learning the Linux command line would be a great starting point.

Linux command line powers much of the internet’s infrastructure, and learning basic security commands can help you advance your cybersecurity career. Gain highly marketable skills in this free, no-risk introductory course.

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 1
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
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UX Data Analysis

UX Data Analysis

Become a UX data scientist! From qualitative data analysis to big data Web analytics, you will be able to leverage insights from data to make empirically-based recommendations.

  • Course by
  • Self Paced
  • 10
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
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How to Use ChatGPT in Healthcare

How to Use ChatGPT in Healthcare

Unlock ChatGPT's potential in healthcare! Explore AI's impact, learn ChatGPT use cases, navigate ethics and legalities, and streamline patient care, data access, and administration. Apply ChatGPT in day-to-day activities and transform healthcare. 

  • Course by
  • 1
  • English
Monthly Subscription
Included in
  • Starter @ AED 99 + VAT
  • Professional @ AED 149 + VAT
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