Our Courses

للمبتدئين Metasploit: أساسيات الاستغلال
سيساعدك هذا المشروع علي تأسيس مهارات استغلال الثغرات واختراق نظم التشغيل من خلال إطار عمل Metasploit كذلك سيساعدك علي اكتساب المهارات الاساسية في مجال اختبار الاختراق والاختراق الاخلاقي. من خلال التدريب العملي على السيناريوهات الواقعية والممارسة الفعلية باستخدام Metasploit، ستتعلم كيفية اكتشاف الثغرات البرمجية والاستفادة منها بطريقة فعالة, وستتعرف على الادوات والطرق المتبعة من مختبري الاختراق والهاكرز المحترفين في اكتشاف الخدمات والبحث عن ثغرات متعلقة بهذه الخدمات وانظمة التشغيل لاستغلالها و اختراق الأنظمة والخوادم والتحكم فيها بطرق أخلاقية وقانونية. ايضا سنتعلم كل ما يتعلق بإطار عمل Metaspl
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Self Paced
3 hours

Leaders of Learning
Explore and understand your own theories of learning and leadership. Gain the tools to imagine and build the future of learning.
Course by
Self Paced

The Science of Happiness
The first MOOC to teach positive psychology. Learn science-based principles and practices for a happy, meaningful life.
Course by
Self Paced

Bridging Differences
Learn research-based strategies for better relationships, dialogue, and understanding across divides. Relevant to anyone navigating conflicts and differences, especially geared toward college campuses.
Course by
Self Paced

The Foundations of Happiness at Work
Learn why happiness at work matters and how to increase it within yourself and across your organization.
Course by
Self Paced

Mindfulness and Resilience to Stress at Work
Learn research-based strategies to help you foster mindfulness, handle stress, and guard against burnout.
Course by
Self Paced

Empathy and Emotional Intelligence at Work
Learn research-based skills to strengthen empathy and trust, improve collaboration, and create more innovative, productive, and satisfying experiences at work.
Course by
Self Paced

Discrimination and Diversity in the Modern Workplace
This certificate program from the University of California-Berkeley helps professionals navigate complex group dynamics, communicate effectively in challenging situations, and understand how to make decisions consistent with equity goals across their organizations. The courses adapt the latest research to aid professionals as they develop productive responses to policy, ethical, and cultural challenges that organizations confront in an ever-changing, increasingly diverse business environment.
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Self Paced

Improving Workplace Climate
This certificate program from the University of California-Berkeley helps professionals navigate complex group dynamics, communicate effectively in challenging situations, and understand how to make decisions consistent with equity goals across their organizations. The courses adapt the latest research to aid professionals as they develop productive responses to policy, ethical, and cultural challenges that organizations confront in an ever-changing, increasingly diverse business environment.
Course by
Self Paced

Teaching & Learning in the Diverse Classroom
2020 POD Network Innovation Award
Through real stories, reflection, and key research, learn how to create and sustain inclusive, student-centered learning environments.
Course by
Self Paced

Understanding the TOEFL Essentials Test
This course helps teachers, advisors and students understand the purposes, structure and content of the TOEFL Essentials test, so that test takers can do their best on test day.
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We the People: Civic Engagement in a Constitutional Democracy
Gain a foundational knowledge of American constitutional democracy and understand how to encourage others to explore their own civic paths, while in parallel crafting your own civic voice and identity.
Course by
Self Paced

Leadership: Creating Public Value
In Leadership: Creating Public Value, learn how to face and meet today’s challenges and design a public value proposition that is both actionable and value creating.
Course by
Self Paced

Early Childhood Development: Global Strategies for Implementation
Examine best practices in child and family policies, advocacy, financing, and pathways to scale—learning how to generate innovative, scalable intervention strategies that supports early childhood development. Together, Harvard University and UNICEF bring global experience from communities to policy makers, evidence and experts from around the world.
Course by
Self Paced

Study Abroad USA: Building Capacity for US Institutions
Learn how to build and grow a study abroad program at your US institution of higher education.
Course by
Self Paced

Introduction to Data Wise: A Collaborative Process to Improve Learning & Teaching
Learn what is involved in using data wisely to build a culture of collaborative inquiry.
Course by
Self Paced

Introduction to Family Engagement in Education
Learn about successful collaborations between families and educators and why they lead to improved outcomes for students and schools.
Course by
Self Paced

American Government: Constitutional Foundations
Learn how early American politics informed the U.S. Constitution and why its promise of liberty and equality has yet to be fully realized.
Course by
Self Paced

U.S. Political Institutions: Congress, Presidency, Courts, and Bureaucracy
Examine the inner workings of the three branches of the U.S. Federal Government
Course by
Self Paced

Citizen Politics in America: Public Opinion, Elections, Interest Groups, and the Media
Learn about the forces in American politics that seek to influence the electorate and shift the political landscape.
Course by
Self Paced

U.S. Public Policy: Social, Economic, and Foreign Policies
Learn about public policy in America and the dynamics of American politics.
Course by
Self Paced

Backyard Meteorology: The Science of Weather
Learn to forecast the weather just by looking out your window.
Course by
Self Paced

PredictionX: Omens, Oracles & Prophecies
This course is an overview of divination systems, ranging from ancient Chinese bone burning to modern astrology.
Course by
Self Paced

Remote Work Revolution for Everyone
In Remote Work Revolution for Everyone, you will learn to excel in the virtual-work landscape. You will learn how to build trust, increase productivity, use digital tools intelligently, and remain fully aligned with your remote team.
Course by
Self Paced

Digital Design
The online course is an introduction to digital design technology. It allows you to understand the basics of digital design and helps you develop skills from computer-aided design to animation covering topics such as rigging, keyframing, rendering, and more.
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Self Paced