Our Courses
Innovating in Health Care
Find innovation opportunities in health care technology, management, consulting, or investing by examining health care cost, quality, and access.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- 18
- English
材料力學一 (Mechanics of Materials (1))
課程介紹與教學目標 (About the course) 房屋為我們遮風避雨,讓我們安心工作、生活,而結構系統又是房屋的骨幹,讓房屋能站的又高、又直、又穩。你知道橫者為梁,直者為柱,但你知道在結構工程師的眼中,梁與柱有什麼其他的不同嗎?他們其中藏著什麼秘密,能支撐起整個結構?工程師要怎麼決定梁該有多深?柱該有多粗?該用矩形、圓形還是其他形狀?該用實心還是空心?在有地震的地方,設計上是否又有不一樣的考量? 材料力學是通往上述問題解答關鍵的一步。在材料力學(一)裡,我們會由大家熟知的虎克定律開始,以蓋房子的重要材料「結構鋼」為例,深入探討「力量」與「變形」這兩個令結構工程師愛恨交加的物理量之間的關係。然後依序探討結構桿件受軸力(拉/壓)、受扭、受彎、受剪四大外力作用下,會在桿件內部產生怎樣的相對應變形與受力,並探討建築結構設計概念與提供桿件設計演算範例。 本課程是希望精通「鋼筋混凝土設計」、「鋼結構設計」、「木構造設計」者必備的先修課程,也為對「彈性力學」有興趣者,提供許多基礎知識與這些知識如何實際應用於工程設計。 主要授課對象為土木、建築相關從業人員與在學學生,其他包括工學院各科系同學或對材料力學有興趣的人士,也歡迎選修。 授課形式 (Course format) 本堂課將以影片的形式為主, 搭配課後作業及期末報告的形式來進行。
- Course by
- Self Paced
- Chinese
Solar Resource Assessment in Desert Climates
Learn how to use the components of solar radiation,solar spectrum, forecasting and meteorology to advocate and plan for deploying PV in desert climates
- Course by
- Self Paced
- English
Computer Architecture
This course in computer architecture will take you from an understanding of digital design using combinational logic and synchronous sequential building blocks to building your own single-cycle multicycle, and pipelined microprocessors.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- English
Super-Earths and Life
Learn about the Earth, life, and how we can search for life elsewhere in the universe.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- 30
- English
MalariaX: Defeating Malaria from the Genes to the Globe
How can we eradicate malaria? Explore cutting-edge science and technology, and examine policies needed to control and eliminate malaria.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- 12
- English
Fundamentals of Neuroscience, Part 3: The Brain
Discover what makes your brain tick in this third course in our introductory series in neuroscience.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- 12
- English
Fundamentals of Neuroscience, Part 2: Neurons and Networks
Discover how neurons work together to create complex networks inside the brain.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- 24
- English
Fundamentals of Neuroscience, Part 1: The Electrical Properties of the Neuron
Learn how electricity makes the neurons in your brain tick.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- 32
- English
Cell Biology: Mitochondria
A human-centered approach to the fundamentals of cell biology with a focus on the power plants of the cell - mitochondria.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- 24
- English
Bioethics: The Law, Medicine, and Ethics of Reproductive Technologies and Genetics
An introduction to the study of bioethics and the application of legal and ethical reasoning.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- 14
- English
The Opioid Crisis in America
Learn about the opioid epidemic in the United States, including information about treatment and recovery from opioid addiction.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- 12
- English
Energy Within Environmental Constraints
A quantitative introduction to the energy system and its environmental impacts.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- 28
- English
Biomaterials and Biofabrication: Design, Engineering and Innovation
Take our MOOC to expand your knowledge about biomaterials, biomedical engineering, additive manufacturing, tissue engineering and to obtain insights on the future of biofabrication. This MOOC will benefit individuals working in the biomedical sector to discover emerging trends and achieve their next career step.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- English
Human Anatomy: Musculoskeletal Cases
Learn the anatomy basic to understanding five musculoskeletal injuries commonly seen in primary care medicine and orthopedic clinical specialty practice. Follow hypothetical patients from injury to operating room.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- 6
- English
Prescription Drug Regulation, Cost, and Access: Current Controversies in Context
Understand how the FDA regulates pharmaceuticals and explore debates on prescription drug costs, marketing, and testing.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- 6
- English
Landscape Ecology
This is the first MOOC to teach Landscape Ecology. Participants learn theory, methods and tools to understand the landscapes we live in and to solve landscape-related environmental problems.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- English
Sorption and transport in cementitious materials
Learn how to study and improve the durability of cementitious materials.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- English
The Role of Social Sciences in Nitrogen Research
Humans play a key role in sustainable nitrogen management: how we contribute to nitrogen pollution, how we perceive it, and how we act on it. In this course, we present the exciting ways the social sciences can be used in the field of nitrogen research.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- English
Nitrogen-related field measurements
Good measurements are key for tackling the nitrogen challenge. Our landmark course gives you guided training in everything from greenhouse gas flux measurements, through ammonia flux measurements, to a number of plant and soil nitrogen measurements.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- English
Nitrogen: A Global Challenge (Bhutan)
Learn about the global nitrogen challenge, how nitrogen has helped human civilization to develop, and how its misuse now threatens us.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- 10
- English
Nitrogen: A Global Challenge
Learn about the global nitrogen challenge, how nitrogen has helped human civilization to develop, and how its misuse now threatens us.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- 13
- English
Climate Solutions
We are in a Climate Emergency. The actions we all choose to take over the next decade will decide whether we succeed or fail to meet the biggest challenge to our civilisation in the 21st century.
Learn how you can help tackle climate change.
- Course by
- 15
- English
Climate Change: Carbon Capture and Storage
Explore the technology that can provide a long-term solution to protect our atmosphere from an excess of carbon dioxide, in the context of global energy, our use of fossil fuels, and climate change.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- 8
- English
A Hands-on Introduction to Engineering Simulations
Learn how to analyze real-world engineering problems using Ansys simulation software and gain important professional skills sought by employers.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- English