Our Courses
计算机辅助翻译原理与实践 Principles and Practice of Computer-Aided Translation
现代语言服务行业要求从业人员必须具有利用计算机及网络来使用各类技术辅助工具帮助其工作的能力,而不是仅仅学会几款狭义的计算机辅助翻译软件。 本课程主要讲授计算机辅助翻译技术的基础概念,学习多种计算机辅助翻译工具的使用方法,锻炼学生在技术环境下从事翻译工作等各类语言服务工作的能力,帮助学生理解信息化时代的语言服务工作。 课程完整涵盖现代语言服务的基本情况介绍、翻译技术基本概念、语言服务项目执行过程的信息环境与信息技术、如何利用电子辞典、网络资源及语料库工具辅助翻译工作、狭义和广义的计算机辅助翻译工具原理及实战演练、翻译内容质量评定、多人协同翻译项目、翻译管理等多方面的内容。作为翻译类专业学生的必修课程,本课程适合语言类专业学生学习。通过课程的学习,有助于学习者了解现代语言服务行业,增强各类计算机辅助翻译工具的使用技能,提高包括翻译工作在内的各类语言服务工作的效率。 该课程是“北大-德稻网络公开课程”中的一门,由北京大学与德稻教育联合提供。 本课程同时受到“语言能力协同创新计划”资助和支持。
- Course by
- Self Paced
- Chinese
本课程根据外国学生学习汉语的特点,比较系统地介绍了汉语的主要语法,像词类、句子成分、单句、复句、篇章、表达方法,等等;着重指出了外国学习者学习汉语语法的难点和重点,并通过大量有针对性的练习,帮助学习者去掌握、运用,从而提高学习者的汉语水平。 According to the characteristics of the foreign student learning Chinese, this course systematically introduces the main grammar of Chinese, such as part of speech, sentence constituent, single sentence, complex sentence, discourse, expression method.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- Chinese
是誰在說話 -- 可愛的臺灣。(Intermediate Chinese)
This course uses four scenic locations in Taiwan as the main topics. Besides emphasis on teaching vocabulary, grammar, and text comprehension, each lesson’s text will feature a non-human protagonist, retelling the past and present of each location. Starting from the north and heading south, each lesson combines the historical, cultural, and modern faces of these landmarks. Using fun dialogue between characters,we will string together different stories about the lovely Taiwan one by one.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- Chinese
总计划案 Final Project
对于国际工作环境不熟悉的商务专业人士,普遍需要的能力是能写发表新产品的行动方案。在这工作实务,有一人必须和公司内的各不同的部门沟通,包括财务和营销部。在这总计划案,你将写一份发表新产品的行动方案。这计划将包含: ● 项目现况报告 ● 营销活动 ● 项目的基本预算分析报告 ● 对管理阶层做项目阶段简报 这项目将提供机会让你应用本课程你所学的英语技能,提升你目前工作所要求的有用文件,或是用一份文件来当作范例,可呈现出你的新能力和技能。 A common necessity among business professionals who are new to an international work environment is the ability to create a plan of action to launch a new product. In this task, one has to communicate with many different departments within a company including finance and marketing. In this capstone project, you will create a plan of action to launch a new product.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- Chinese
商务英语课程:财经英语 Finance & Economics
你在财务领域工作或是和财务专业人员常互动吗 ? 在你的职业生涯,你需说、写或是听得懂英文吗? 跟着本课程真实情境的人物,你会看到他们试着解决一般的商务情况,你会从你的成功和失败的经验中学习,并批判式的思考你沟通方式的抉择。在上完本课程后,你将能够读写电子邮件,报告,以及使用财务和经济的一般用语给予有效的简报。在压力之下,清楚地沟通、利用最近所学的策略,并对于你的商务沟通技巧的有效性,立即得到其他全世界财务专业人士的回馈! 获得你所想要的和全球的经理所期待的英语沟通能力。 Do you work in finance or interact with finance professionals? Is it necessary to speak, write or understand English in your career? Follow the authentic characters in this course as they work through common business situations in finance and economics. Learn from your successes and failure, and think critically about your own communication options.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- Chinese
商务英语课程:管理与领导力英语 Management & Leadership
在你的职业生涯中,你是需使用英文的商务执行主管或是经理吗 ? 那么你知道要有良好的商务英文沟通能力是需要有专注力、字汇和运用特定的语言语法。在本课程中,你将跟着刚升迁的经理来了解她如何建立和领导出成功的团队。同时,你会将用英文来练习沟通的语言和方式,并用于以下的需求情况: ● 以诚信和尊重来召聘和训练专业的团队共同合作 ● 管理及参与有条理的会议 ● 召开有效率的电话会议 ● 书写专业也易懂的电子邮件 本课程的活动将提供机会来分享你的经验和接收来自全世界其他专业商务人士的回馈。 Are you a business executive or a manager who uses English in your career? Then you know that good business communication in English requires focus, vocabulary, and specific linguistic structures. In this course, you will follow along a recently promoted manager as she builds and leads her team to success.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- Chinese
商务英语课程:市场与营销英语 Marketing & Sales
如果你在营销、销售或是广告部工作,你已经知道有效率的沟通是必要的。当你要用英文并用说服他人的方式来表达你的想法,这可能会是很困难的。在本课程,你和全球的成功专业人士加入学习行列时,你将学到有效地使用英文。当你随着在营销部工作的真实情境的人物,看着他们努力地提升他们的沟通技巧,同时你也会提高你的能力。从你的成功和失败的经验中学习,反省你自己的沟通方式、优点和需改进的方面。上完本课程后,你将能够: ● 透过有效率的电子邮件、报告和有说服力的简报来表达你的想法 ● 学习有关市场调查研究、品牌建立,直接营销和广告费用等字汇和用语 ● 对于你商务英语沟通能力的效率,立即获得全世界的销售和营销专业人士的回馈 ● 成为提升商务英语沟通能力全球商务专业人士社群的一份子 If you work in marketing, sales, or advertising, you already know that effective communication is a requirement. This can be even more difficult when expressing your ideas in a persuasive manner in English.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- Chinese
本课程是针对具有一定汉语水平的外国学习者的中级商务汉语课程。课程共分为两篇六课,共需六周时间。“两篇”是根据学习内容的不同分为的公司入职篇和市场营销篇。其中公司入职篇包括:招聘广告、应聘面试、入职第一天;产品营销篇包括产品介绍、市场营销、售后服务。 本课程的学习目标有三:一是进一步提高以汉语作为第二语言的学习者在汉语听、说、读这三个方面的技能;二是学习并掌握常用的商务汉语词汇及句式表达;三是了解中国特有的商务礼仪和商务文化。 就具体学习的课程而言,在本课程结束后,学习者可以基本看懂招聘广告的主要信息,在公司的面试中与面试官进行基本的交流,并能与中国同事进行日常工作上的会话;可以对产品进行简要的介绍和说明,并在市场营销和售后服务环节与客户进行基本的交流。 学生者需要具有汉语的中级水平,最好已掌握800-1000个汉语基本词语。 本课程的学习环节包括:观看教学视频,每周5个,时长平均在15分钟左右;完成与当天的教学视频相关的练习题;完成每周的测试和同伴互评。
- Course by
- Self Paced
- Chinese
本课程为“中级商务汉语(入职与营销篇)”的姊妹篇,学习的内容主要涉及商务工作中的联系客户、安排酒会、市场调查、商务考察、参加展会和商务谈判这六大类商务活动。 本课程共分为七个单元,其中第一到第六单元为学习单元,每一单元都包含五个10-15分钟的教学视频,每个教学视频之后有两道不计入成绩的练习题。每一单元的学习结束后,你需要完成单元考试,包括六道客观题和两道同伴互评题,共10分,六个单元共60分。第七单元为总复习和考试单元,你需要在复习之后完成考试,共四十道客观题,40分。单元考试和最后的考试共100分,得到80分即可通过课程。
- Course by
- Self Paced
- Chinese
Writing your World: Finding yourself in the academic space
Throughout the world, writing serves to express, record, and even create meaningful moments. In academic spaces, writing becomes the bridge between ourselves and the world of ideas. In this course, we provide practical insights into how to write an academic essay. We show you how to develop the academic skills needed to be a competent academic writer. You will have an opportunity to engage with texts written by academics, and to see how some of the ideas in these texts are used by students in constructing an academic essay.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- 19 hours
- English
Writing Skills for University Success
Writing is a vital skill in university classes, whether you’re majoring in history or business management, economics or engineering. In this course, you’ll learn how to write effectively in different academic formats, especially essays and longer research papers. You’ll learn how to choose a topic for a paper, how to find reliable resources for writing it, and how to organize your ideas in a way that communicates clearly and fits the expectations of your professors. You’ll learn about the importance of correctly citing sources in your writing and university norms regarding academic honesty.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- 7 hours
- English
Writing in English at University
Acquiring good academic research and writing skills early on is essential for your success both at university and in your professional life. This course aims: - to give you an understanding of the conventions of academic writing in English and to teach you the components and benefits of what is called process writing. - to help you to put together your own “toolbox” of academic writing skills, as well as to give you a chance to test out these tools and to reflect on your own development as a writer.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- 25 hours
- English
Writing for Young Readers: Opening the Treasure Chest
This course is for curious students and aspiring authors with a passion for writing for young readers. Participate in a dynamic online community of writers as you experiment with your own writing and develop your voice. This course will guide you with a combination of video lectures, online readings, peer reviews, and guest appearances from world-renowned children’s authors.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- 13 hours
- English
Word Forms and Simple Present Tense
In this course, “Word Forms and Simple Present Tense,” you will learn about different word forms, like nouns, proper nouns, plural forms and singular forms. You will learn when to use the articles “a” and “an.” You will also learn about the BE verb in English, how to form it and when to use it. Then you will learn how to form other verbs in the simple present, including some spelling rules, and how to make negative forms.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- 9 hours
- English
What’s Your Big Idea?
Whether your interest lies in solving the world’s biggest problems, creating the next commercial success or addressing something closer to home, this course will give you a toolbox to vet your ideas and test them in the real world.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- English
Vowels of American English Pronunciation
This is the second course of The Pronunciation of American English specialization. In this course, you will learn and practice all of the vowel sounds of American English, including pairs of vowels that may be easy to confuse. Each week you will receive practical advice from successful English learners and practice an effective technique called shadowing to improve your pronunciation of vowel sounds.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- 23 hours
- English
Translation in Practice
This course offers you basic but valuable techniques used by a good translator in the translation between English and Chinese. We’ll discuss what is translation, what is good translation, and learn about how to produce good translations. All the examples used in this course are taken from the course instructor's own translations of various genres and topics of writing.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- 24 hours
- English
Training and Practicing in English Public Speaking
Professor Zhang is Central South University’s top training coach in English speaking and interpreting contests and has engaged in teaching and research on English speaking and interpreting as well as competition training for more than ten years. This is a course which improves your comprehensive skills of listening, speaking, reading, writing and thinking: you will overcome your bad listening habits and advance listening skills; you will correct your pronunciation and improve language quality and delivery; you will collect and analyze materials quickly and efficiently; you will enhance wr
- Course by
- Self Paced
- 10 hours
- English
Trade & investment: evidence-based policies for development
This MOOC prepares students that want to analyse trade and investment policies of developing countries and emerging markets. We couch you for the task of giving evidence-based policy. For students interested in policy advise the course brings a sound understanding of what can and what cannot be done with well-established theories and state-of-the-art research.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- English
TOEFL Test-Taking Strategies
This course prepares non-native speakers of English to take the TOEFL iBT exam by providing helpful tips and proven techniques for successfully completing the reading, listening, speaking, and writing sections of the iBT. In this course, you will learn a variety of strategies such as note-taking, using templates, and analyzing speech patterns, and you will review many sample questions and responses. This course also teaches how to best practice and prepare for test day as well as how to manage your time and perform optimally during the exam.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- 8 hours
- English
TOEFL Speaking and Writing Sections Skills Mastery
This course prepares non-native speakers of English to take the speaking and writing sections of the TOEFL iBT exam. This course explains the difference between the integrated tasks and independent tasks in the speaking and writing sections of the iBT and provides effective strategies for tackling each task. For each type of prompt, you will learn how to best plan your responses, which is a key step to providing well-formed and organized answers. This course also teaches how to best practice and prepare for test day as well as how to manage your time and perform optimally during the exam.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- 8 hours
- English
TOEFL Reading and Listening Sections Skills Mastery
This course prepares non-native speakers of English to take the reading and listening sections of the TOEFL iBT exam. This course takes a close look at every type of listening and reading question that you may encounter on the test and provides effective strategies for tackling each type. Expanding your vocabulary, a critical part of improving your overall skills in English, is another focal point of this course. This course also teaches how to best practice and prepare for test day as well as how to manage your time and perform optimally during the exam.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- 8 hours
- English
A group of seven European partners from Catalonia, Belgium, and Wales worked together on the Erasmus+ funded ‘Think Global’ project on global competence. The project seeks to address the following research question through development and piloting of practical classroom activities: What is global competence, and how can it be learned effectively? The Think Global project explores, through international collaboration, how global competence is defined, taught, learned, and measured in the classroom.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- 32 hours
- English
The Science of Generosity: Do Good...Feel Good
What does it mean to be generous? Can doing good actually make you feel good? In this course, we’ll hear from multiple experts and explore the many facets of generosity by looking closely at the meanings, traits, and motivations behind giving behaviors across communities and cultures. We’ll discuss how generosity contributes to our own happiness and well-being as well as the happiness and well-being of our loved ones, our local communities, and our global society. We won’t just talk about generosity; you’ll be able to do good and feel good -- without spending lots of time or money.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- English
The Pronunciation of American English Project
In the final course of The Pronunciation of American English specialization, you will complete a final self-reflection project applying what you have learned in the first three courses about consonants, vowels, and the “music” of English. In preparation for the project, you will take a post-test, review all the sounds of English, analyze a speech, and share your advice on improving pronunciation with other learners. Only learners who pay for the course will be able to take the graded quizzes or submit assignments for feedback.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- 17 hours
- English