Our Courses
Engajamento, Conversão e o Consumidor
Nossas boas-vindas ao Curso Engajamento, Conversão e o Consumidor.
Neste curso, você aprenderá sobre as diferentes técnicas de análise de dados que permitem acompanhar e monitorar o consumidor com relação ao seu engajamento e aos seus níveis de conversão.
Ao final deste curso, você será capaz de utilizar técnicas de análise de dados utilizando Python para compreender diversas etapas da jornada do cliente e tomar as decisões gerencias apropriadas.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- Portuguese
Create User Stories in Jira
By the end of this project, you will be able to use Jira Software for project management to plan and manage your work.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- 1 hour
- English
Pense fora da caixa (de entrada): e-mail marketing
Pense fora da caixa (de entrada): e-mail marketing é o quarto dos sete cursos do Certificado de Marketing Digital e E-commerce do Google. Este curso abordará como realizar uma campanha de e-mail marketing bem-sucedida. O e-mail marketing é um dos canais de marketing digital mais antigos e comprovados, e é um componente essencial de qualquer estratégia geral de marketing digital. O e-mail é um canal principal para muitas empresas alcançarem seus clientes atuais, incentivarem a interação com a empresa, impulsionarem compras e fidelizarem clientes.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- 26 hours
- Portuguese
Transferencia tecnológica: De la investigación al mercado.
Este MOOC fue desarrollado para fortalecer las capacidades de gestión de la transferencia tecnológica de académicos e investigadores de las diferentes disciplinas, gestores tecnológicos y estudiantes de postgrado. Pretende ser un apoyo para todos aquellos que quieran que sus resultados de investigación se conviertan en productos o servicios que impacten en la calidad de vida de las personas mediante su transferencia a empresas o instituciones, o a través de la generación de emprendimientos de base tecnológica.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- Spanish
Cómo Configurar una Campaña en Facebook Ads
Al final de este proyecto, identificarás correctamente los objetivos de tus campañas de Facebook Ads utilizando la plataforma de Facebook Business Manager.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- 2 hours
- Spanish
Fase final de Marketing en redes sociales de Meta
En este curso final, practicarás la creación de una presentación sobre la campaña de marketing que has desarrollado durante el programa con un proyecto donde adquirirás experiencia práctica en la comunicación de resultados y la formulación de recomendaciones en función de los resultados de una campaña de marketing en redes sociales. Asimismo, te registrarás en el examen de certificación de Asociado de marketing digital de Facebook, lo realizarás y recibirás tu certificado de Asociado de marketing digital de Facebook.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- 6 hours
- Spanish
Основи технічної підтримки
Цей курс є першим із серії, розробленої для підготовки фахівців з IT-підтримки початкового рівня. У цьому курсі ви познайомитеся зі світом інформаційних технологій, або ІТ. Ви дізнаєтеся про різні аспекти сфери інформаційних технологій, зокрема, про апаратне та програмне забезпечення комп’ютера, Інтернет, усунення несправностей та обслуговування клієнтів. Цей курс охоплює найрізноманітніші теми в галузі ІТ, а також дасть вам уявлення про програму сертифікації.
У кінці цього курсу ви:
● розумітимете, як працює двійкова система;
● зможете зібрати комп’ютер з нуля;
- Course by
- Self Paced
- Ukrainian
Erste Schritte in Facebook Ads Manager
Nach Abschluss dieses Projekts kannst du, unabhängig davon, ob du eine neue Marke startest oder eine bestehende mithilfe deiner Social-Media-Strategie optimieren möchtest, besser auf deine Facebook Kundschaft eingehen und diese gezielt erreichen.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- 4 hours
- German
Estratégia Digital e o Comportamento de Busca do Consumidor
Nossas boas-vindas ao Curso Estratégia Digital e o Comportamento de Busca do Consumidor.
Neste curso, você aprenderá sobre as ferramentas que ajudam a organização a compreender como desenvolver e acompanhar o processo de implantação de campanhas on-line.
Ao final deste curso, você será capaz de compreender como as estratégias digitais se interligam com o comportamento do consumidor e como o uso de dados pode elevar o nível da sua estratégia de marketing, tanto para grandes empresas como para aquelas em formação.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- Portuguese
Crea Videos para Redes Sociales con Canva
Al final de este proyecto, usted aprenderá a crear un video para redes sociales usando la versión gratis de Canva.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- 2 hours
- Spanish
إختيار الهدف المثالي للحملات الإعلانية على Facebook
مع نهاية المشروع ده، هتقدر تختار الobjective الافضل للحملة الإعلانية بتاعتك على Facebook باستخدام ال-Ads Manager على Facebook Business Manager.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- 3 hours
- Arabic
التسويق للمشاريع الصغيرة عبر موقع التواصل الإجتماعي فيسبوك
في نهاية هذا المشروع، سيتعلم المتدربون كيفية استخدام فيسبوك لترويج شركاتهم الصغيرة.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- 3 hours
- Arabic
Microsoft Excel إنشاء أداه تعقب لإدارة المشاريع باستخدام
فى نهاية المشروع ده هتقدر تنشئ صفحة لتعقب و تتبع ادارة المشاريع البسيطة,و تقدر تستخدمها للعرض التقديمى لاى مشروع خاص بك او بالشركة باستخدام Microsoft Excel.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- 2 hours
- Arabic
مبادئ التسويق على وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي
تعرض هذه الدورة التدريبيّة التسويق الإلكتروني على مواقع التواصل الإجتماعي، ستتعرف على أهميّة التسويق والخطوات الأساسيّة التي يجب اعتمادها من أجل الوصول إلى أنجح تسويق، بالإضافة إلى كيفيّة استغلال مواقع التواصل الإجتماعي: فيسبوك، تويتر، وانستغرام من أجل تحقيق الأهداف التسويقيّة أوبناء العلامة التجاريّة أوزيادة المتابعين والعملاء، وفي النهاية ستتمكن من حساب معدلات التفاعل على هذه المواقع بما يخدم المصلحة التسويقيّة
- Course by
- Self Paced
- 4 hours
- Arabic
The Olympic Games and the Media
This course gives you a complete insight into the communication and managerial techniques put into practice in the creation of the most important sporting mega event in the world. You will learn about the essentials of television production, programming strategies and television rights management of the Olympic Games. At the same time, you will gain valuable knowledge about the fundamentals of communication via social media and of the Olympic culture which is so closely connected with classic culture and humanism.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- 11 hours
- English
How to fulfill orders on Facebook
In this guided project, you will learn how to use Facebook Marketplace to buy and sell items on the platform, list items for sale through creating a new listing and selecting different available options, ship your own orders after creating your lists of products, and understanding the payment methods.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- 1 hour
- English
Working with the Media
In this course, you will learn about branding and the role of public relations as opposed to adjacent fields like advertising and marketing. You will understand the media and how to leverage storytelling with different outlets and gatekeepers. Foundational mass communication and public relations theories will be discussed in terms of issue and crisis management.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- 8 hours
- English
Social Media & Marketing - Jagdish Sheth
Technology has always impacted marketing, especially in areas such as branding, packaging, distribution, and retailing. It has also impacted advertising and promotion. This course focuses on the impact of digital technology on all aspects of marketing including the 4P’s of marketing, word of mouth communication, and market research. It articulates the disruptive impact of social media and user-generated content.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- 5 hours
- English
Edit your photos for Social Media with Easil
By the end of this project, you will learn how to edit photos for social media using the free version of Easil.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- 3 hours
- English
Analyzing Market Attractiveness Using Creately
By the end of this 2 hour-long guided project, you will be fluent in identifying and analyzing business markets and how to discover their attractiveness to new products and services.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- 3 hours
- English
Get Started with Wrike
Wrike is a versatile and customizable project management software that enables teams to coordinate tasks, track workflows and allows for easy and dynamic communication between team members.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- 3 hours
- English
Mobile Marketing, Optimization Tactics, and Analytics
Welcome to Course 3 of the E-Marketing Specialization: Mobile Marketing Optimization Tactics, and Analytics. Our final course will start with an introduction to mobile marketing. The remaining modules will provide you with the knowledge needed to increase sales, boost engagement, and interpret website analytics. This course will culminate in a peer-reviewed activity, in which you will have the opportunity to apply all the skills you have learned throughout the previous courses in this series.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- 12 hours
- English
Get Started with Facebook Business Manager
By the end of this project, learners will know how to get started with Facebook Business Manager.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- 1 hour
- English
Creating Global Brands with Jagdish Sheth
It is becoming increasingly important to expand into foreign markets in order to achieve significant growth. This requires creating global brands such as IBM, Microsoft, Amazon, Starbucks, and Walmart. Global brands need to transcend cultural differences as well as compliance across countries with respect to logo, color, and other branding elements.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- 5 hours
- English
How to Set Up a Facebook Ads Campaign
By the end of this project, you will be able to set up a Facebook Ads campaign.
- Course by
- Self Paced
- 3 hours
- English